Monday, September 21, 2009

Best Beauty Tips of All Time Pt. 1

Can you ever get to many beauty tips??? I think, not. So I will be sharing with you some of the greatest beauty tips of all time. Of course there are quite a few so this will be a series of keep checking back for more ;)

Get Unstuck...
Don't you hate when the cap to your nail polish just won't budge? So very annoying...especially when you just need a quick touch up! Well next time this happens wrap a rubber band around it for a better grip.

Make Your Mani & Pedi Last...
One thing...well one of the many things that really get on my nerves is after you had a perfect manicure and a couple days later the paint starts chipping! So before you head out to see your favorite manicurist remove any polish you have on your nails with acetone polish remover; wash each nail with soap and dry well. Wipe again with remover. This gets rid of any oils that prevent polish from adhering completely.

Soothe Irritation...
Oh ingrown hairs how I love thee...yuck... gag. I have a habit of picking at ingrown hairs which only make them worse plucking is so much better. After plucking ingrown hairs, crush two aspirins into powder, then add a few drops of water to create a paste. Apply over tender area and let dry.

Fake a Perfect Nose...
Not everyone is blessed with a perfect nose. More people have a Sarah Jessica Parker nose than an Angelina Jolie for those who need a lil quick fix draw a line with cream shimmer down the bridge of your nose. The highlighter reflects light, creating the illusion of a straighter nose.


BEAUTY IS A PAIN.... Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino