Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3 Surprising Uses for Dandruff Shampoo

Sure dandruff shampoo can be embarrassing to buy at times because who really want to be known as the one with dandruff. Well there are a few other uses for dandruff shampoos that might make you excited...or at least anxious to go out and grab a bottle of head and shoulder ;)

Wash Away Dry Skin
"Clean your face with anti-dandruff shampoo to decrease flaking. It reduces the yeast levels that cause scaly skin."
- Elissa Lunder, Wellesley, Mass., Dermatologist

Brighten Hair Color
"Lather your tresses with a flake fighter and let sit for 20 minutes. This revives color and even removes the green tints that may result from chlorine."
- Sean James, L.A. hairstylist

Fight Bacne
"Shampoos that contain salicylic acid can also help with breakouts on your back."
- Monica Schadlow, N.Y.C. Dermatologist

By the way... Dandruff Shampoos especially Head & Shoulders are some of the best shampoos for your hair. Most hairstylists I know recommend Head & Shoulders over all other drug store shampoos, because of how healthy it keeps your hair. And now most come in different varieties to suit your your hair type.


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