Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Product 3 Ways...Cuticle Oil

There isn't anything I love more in a beauty product than it having multiple uses!
Did you know cuticle oil can also be used for the following...

Halt Smudges
"Drop cuticle oil on each nail just after polishing. The oil makes nail surfaces slippery, serving as a buffer between the lacquer and any object that might tarnish it.
This works for pedicures too:
Immediately after applying top coat; add cuticle oil; then slip on sandals for a flaw-free trip home."
- Jaimi Brooks

Fix Smears
I can't even count how many times I have smeared my freshly painted polish! Actually I think I do it every time I get a manicure! Seriously what is wrong with me you would think I would have learned by now...
So if you are like me or maybe it just happens to you once in awhile Jaimi Brooks recommends brushing cuticle oil onto the nail and gently rub out creases with fingers.

Refresh Dull Polish
" A spot of cuticle oil adds a nice sheen to lackluster lacquer. It hydrates nails, while sinking into every nook and cranny to smooth out imperfections."
- Jaimi Brooks


BEAUTY IS A PAIN.... Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino