Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blisters!!! Oh what a pain!

How many of us have had a hot pair of shoes ruin your night because you can't bare the pain any longer??? I think that has happened to most of us...I know it happens to me more times than none and you think I would just start buying more comfortable shoes...Ha no way. Beauty is a pain right?
Well in an effort to avoid buying "more comfortable" shoes I tried alternatives...which have worked quite well.

Foot Doctors aka Podiatrists finally got it right and found solutions for women who don't want to sacrifice beauty for the sake of comfortable shoes.
You can now find in drug stores, Targets, Walmarts and even some grocery stores alternatives for women!! Woohoo Finally!

  • For the balls of your feet try gel inserts! There are even inserts special for opened toed and stiletto heels. Some even have cute designs on them like flowers or leopard print.
  • When you are prone to blisters from your shoes rubbing against the skin there is a Anti friction stick by Dr. Scholl's that works great. You can also use deodorant to do the trick ;)
Look for the Dr. Scholl's line "Dr. Scholl's for her". It has many great products to do the trick!

  • Once a blister forms don't pop it! It will only make it worse. Try and put some "mole skin" or "new skin" on it to cover the blister up and let it take it's course.
  • Also try and put a couple band aids or a small bottle of mole skin in your purse on a night out you know a blister could pop up. It never hurts to be ready.
Now lets keep dancing the night away pain free!


BEAUTY IS A PAIN.... Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino