Monday, August 16, 2010

33 Money-Saving Beauty Tips: Highlight at Home

Strapped for cash but don’t want your beauty routine to suffer because of it?

Yes times are tuff and when it comes to cutting back on expenses many beauty routines are the first to go :( 
I know its sad isn’t it? Well you don’t always have to sacrifice beauty…there are ways to cut corners and still look like your fabulous self.

At home highlighting, homemade beauty products, multi-tasking products, Use Coffee Grounds on Cellulite(ha who knew?) and more… actually 33 total!

Click on the link below to see how you can still look beautiful on a budget.

33 Money-Saving Beauty Tips: Highlight at Home - Saving Beauty Tips - Makeup, Skin Care & Hair - Your Look - MSN Lifestyle


BEAUTY IS A PAIN.... Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino